Professional Testimonials

Bianca Stefina

Owner of Mindfully Me Trauma Informed Services

Grateful is an understatement for mike deninger and his creation of the trauma modality ‘MEMI’ or multichannel eye movement integration.

I went back and fourth between EMDR / brain spotting and neurofeedback. I was advised by a friend and mentor to check out MEMI… and it was the best professional decision I have ever made.

Mike, you are brilliant. Your lived experience, writing, guidance and mentorship is a gift.

The results speak for themselves. To see a client leave my office lighter, watching pain and trauma leave their body through this practice is truly remarkable. I really struggle to put it into words.

MEMI blends NLP and eye movement interventions to help de-sensitize memories that are leading to distress. This works on PTSD, C-PTSD, phobias, addiction cravings and more.

Proud and excited to say I am officially a certified practitioner and I urge my colleagues to do the same.

Dr. Prince


I am dually degreed as a licensed Naturopathic Medical Doctor and a Mental Health Counselor. My work is focused on integrating the modalities of Naturopathic medicine and mental health and more specifically addressing unresolved trauma in the lives of my patients. I became familiar with EMDR during my medical training, primarily taking elective courses. Later, however, I completed basic EMDR training and incorporated this modality into my work with trauma-impacted patients. My patients would report results after multiple sessions extending over several weeks. However, after being trainedin MEMI (Multichannel Eye Movement Integration), saying I was blown away would be an understatement. My patients began reporting a shift in their emotional integrity during the first session and only after 2 or 3 sets of directed eye-movements. When it first happened, I thought it might have been an anomaly; but the consistency with which each patient self-reported decreased intensity and severity ratings couldn’t be explained away by sporadic anecdotes of the positive mental and emotional shifts they were experiencing.

Cynthia Schiffman-Szeyda


I had the opportunity to take MEMI clinical training—and then become certified—under the careful and skilled tutelage of Dr. Mike Deninger. Though I’d already been working with clients struggling with trauma, there was something missing. Some were completely stuck and hopeless, despite finding hope being my biggest asset. MEMI was that something and much more. My heart burst as I watched those same clients begin to light from within. Their demeanor began to change. I heard statements such as how they now felt they could do this. How they wanted to do more MEMI for more trauma (CPTSD), as well as being willing to finally try other techniques as well. And, most beautifully, how they now realize there was always a part of them that believed they could get better. This is only the beginning. Thank you Dr. Mike for gifting me with this privilege. It is absolutely breathtaking to watch.

Bob Faw

President, Board of Directors Vital Cycles

I saw Mike present an experiential workshop on MEMI at the International Conference on Male Sexual Victimization in 2010 and was incredibly impressed! Afterwards, he accepted our invitation to present a similar workshop at a Vita Cycles retreat. He was able to attain amazing healing results with subjects in both situations. I’ve seen many practices for healing trauma in the last 20 years, and his use of MEMI was the most efficient, rapid and easy on the client. What most impressed us was his ability to help his subjects, whom he had never met, desensitize a very painful memory in less than 30 minutes. In addition, the results have stayed positive months later for the one individual I’m still in touch with. Mike was very approachable, amiable and relaxed with us. I recommend Mike very highly for whatever he does, but particularly for his mastery of MEMI to help relieve the distress of traumatic memories.

Dawn Tan

Senior Psychotherapist Supervisor, Singapore Association for Counseling

I was excelling at my counseling job in 2018, until I experienced a year of trauma from a toxic work environment. That created a lot of self-doubt in me, even after I moved to a new company. I thought I would get over the triggers, shame, guilt and flashbacks by using the many techniques and devices that work with my clients. However, nothing seemed to make a difference. I was still having flashbacks and I was unable to move on. I continued to suffer for three years, until I experienced just one session of Multichannel Eye Movement Integration with Dr. Mike Deninger. It changed my life and I regained the hope I had lost. The method was surprisingly gentle, but it produced amazing results. I was able to reset and move on. MEMI changed my life. It allowed me to reconnect with my clients and create hope and change in them using MEMI. Without that one session, I might continue to struggle and battle within myself. I have since taken the MEMI Practitioner Training at the Arizona Trauma Institute and become certified in the protocol.
I am very grateful. Thank you, Dr. Mike