Client Testimonials

“When I first met Dr. Mike, I was struggling with ongoing issues related to childhood trauma. It was disrupting my sleep. I . . . would actually be afraid to go to sleep at night because of the frequent nightmares that would wake me up and leave me just panicked and staring in a dark room. I was often bothered by recurring memories during the day as well, and I found myself . . . “

“I started working with Dr. Mike after years of unsuccessful and semi-successful tools, programs, and therapies to address what I thought were “communication issues,” and issues surrounding my family and upbringing. I suffered from extreme anxiety. I had become a workaholic to avoid being with myself and others and as a convenient excuse to avoid romantic and platonic relationships.”

“Dr. Mike was instrumental in helping me through some difficult transitions I faced over the past 10 years. Some of these transitions were related to my work, and some were related to my marriage. Dr. Mike’s style of counseling put me very much at ease right from the start, and the techniques he used in his practice were incredibly effective and very helpful.”