Bianca Stefina- Certified Clinical Trauma Specialist & Certified MEMI Practitioner - Level 1

Contact Information
Bianca Stefina- Certified Clinical Trauma Specialist & Certified MEMI Practitioner – Level 1
trauma, complex PTSD, emotional regulation, people pleasing, toxic stress and adversity
Detailed Information
Hi! My name is Bianca, I am a certified clinical trauma specialist and level 1 multichannel eye movement practitioner.
I offer counselling and psychotherapy to Ontario residents and coaching to international clients. I am an affiliate of Arizona Trauma Institute and pride myself in my extensive training and continuing education surrounding complex ptsd, trauma and toxic stress. 
 I own a group practice with a team of like minded, compassionate therapists. 
I help children, youth & adults address their mental health, behavior and emotions using nervous system regulation, psychoeducation, physiology of the stress response and professional rapport through a trauma informed lens.
If you are experiencing chronic stress, anxiety, hopelessness, racing/ intrusive thoughts, self-doubt, insecurities, relationship and personal challenges, issues controlling your emotions and behavior- You are so far from alone.
Through a strength based, compassionate approach I can help you explore the origins and core beliefs that are leading to the feelings, emotions and behavior you are experiencing. Through somatic approaches, mind and body connection, nervous system healing & talk therapy, I want to encourage you to reach your desired area of health and wellness in all areas.
I believe everyone deserves to know, they are not disordered or broken. You are a human, being human. These responses are biologically correct. Through extensive continuing education surrounding the autonomic nervous system and being 3x certified in trauma informed care, I want to positively impact the world of MH care & healing. It’s okay, not to be okay.