Multichannel Eye
Movement Integration
Uncomplicated theory
Simple procedures
Fast and durable results

Among the Accolades

Dr. Mike Deninger

Joachim Lee PBM
Our licensed MEMI trainer in Singapore
Joachim Lee, PBM is a Senior Principal Psychotherapist, Counsellor, Certified Counselling Supervisor, Neurofeedback Therapist and a Board Certified Hypnotherapist. He is an international trainer and speaker, a Founding Member of ISPA (International Strategic Psychotherapy Association) and the founder of Counseling and Trauma Recovery.

Brian Simmons

Buy Dr. Mike's Book on Amazon Now!
MEMI Trainings and Certifications

MEMI Clinician’s Level I Course
This on demand MEMI course is designed for licensed mental health practitioners who have normal hearing. The course includes video sessions, eye movement graphics, detailed instructions, therapist’s scripts and assessments. Learn MEMI from the comfort of your home or office!
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MEMI ASL Clinician’s Level I Course
This is an on-demand American Sign Language version of the MEMI clinical training for licensed practitioners. This training was designed for Deaf and Hard of Hearing and ASL proficient professionals. The language of instruction is ASL. English voice over and captions are included.
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MEMI for NLP Practitioners, Hypnotists and Coaches
This new course and its certification represent a non-clinical MEMI protocol designed for three groups of providers who are not licensed as mental health clinicians, but who frequently work with clients who have experienced trauma or toxic stress. The course is based on Neuro-Linguistic theory and principles, a body of information that was critical to the development of all eye movement approaches.
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MEMI for First Responders
This is a non-clinical course designed for the first responder population (e.g., law enforcement and EMS), military and vets, and non-profit workers and volunteers who provide trauma care directly, or as a part of peer-to-peer support networks. This Neuro-Linguistic Programming approach to memory reprocessing represents a new model for trauma resolution; one that is faster and safer for clients.
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Stress and Trauma Care Specialist Course
This course is open to anyone who wants to understand the human stress experience and how to create long-term change in the mind and body. There are no prerequisites. The course imparts how the human nervous system functions, how stress and trauma drive arousal states inside the body and the neuro physiology and biology of how humans adapt and change.
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MEMI Level I Clinical Course Completion Certificate
Certifications | Trauma Institute International
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MEMI ASL Clinician’s Level I Course Completion Certificate
Certifications | Trauma Institute International
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MEMI Level I Non-clinical Course Completion Certificate
Certifications | Trauma Institute International
Click HereMEMI On-Demand Webinar Courses
9 AM - 5 PM
MEMI Conference 2024 Singapore
Excited to be joining Joachim Lee, our licensed MEMI trainer in the Asia region, for the MEMI conference in Singapore on December 6, 2024. Case studies and live demonstrations will showcase how MEMI is faster, safer and easier to when compared to other eye movement therapies!
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