Revolutionize Your Therapy Practice- Why choose MEMI over EMDR?

Explore how MEMI Therapy outperforms EMDR, offering unique benefits for therapists and clients alike.

MEMI (Sensory-based Memory Integration)

A cutting-edge, evidence-informed therapeutic approach designed to quickly integrate traumatic memories through multi-directional eye movements, and memory reconsolidation techniques. MEMI offers a refined and less complicated alternative to traditional trauma therapies like EMDR.

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing)

A well-established therapy involving bilateral stimulation (typically eye movements) to process traumatic memories. While EMDR has helped many clients, MEMI offers distinct advantages in terms of flexibility, speed, and client comfort.

Key Differences Between MEMI and EMDR

FeatureMEMI TherapyEMDR Therapy
1Treatment FocusAutomatically reorganizes cognitions without cognitive restructuring.Intense focus on cognitions as necessary to restructure thoughts.
2Therapist InvolvementCollaborative and integrative, because it’s based on client sensory reactions, not cognitions.More structured, with therapist guided protocols. Intense focus on cognitions thought necessary for desensitization.
3Speed of ResultsFaster processing of traumatic memories in 1-2 sessions.Takes longer with a need for multiple (6-12) sessions.
4Client ComfortClient-friendly, non-invasive approach; suitable for highly sensitive clients.Too intense for some clients due to multiple exposures.
5Training RequiredShorter and easier for therapists to learn, adopt and use.Multiple trainings and consultations required for certification. More expensive.
6Research & EvidenceExtensive clinical evidence of effectiveness. Controlled studies in process now.Well-established with numerous studies supporting efficacy.
7Cost for ClientsLess expensive due to fewer sessions required.Longer treatment duration increases cost.

Why Choose MEMI Over EMDR?

How MEMI Works

1. Client Comfort

Before any exposure to distressing events, clients are “anchored” in safety and security, allowing them to comfortably access emotional memories.

2. Targeting of Sensory-based Variables

By focusing on trauma-related imagery, sensations and feelings, chronic neurosensory reactions are quickly reprocessed and emotional distress is released with only four eye movement sets.

3. Rewiring the Brain

In only one 50-minute session, even the most difficult memories are reprocessed as the brain rewires itself and new, healthier neurological pathways are formed.

Professional Testimonials

Who Can Benefit from MEMI?

Frequently Asked Questions

MEMI offers faster results with fewer sessions– particularly for clients with complex trauma–and it’s gentler, making it a better option for sensitive clients.

MEMI training is shorter, less expensive and more accessible compared to EMDR certification. This allows therapists to achieve more immediate and sustained client results.

Yes, some of our MEMI practitioners report success in combining the two approaches based on client needs.

Ready to Transform Your Practice with MEMI?

Don’t wait to elevate your practice — schedule your personalized demo today and see how MEMI can make a difference for you and your clients.

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